Wednesday, September 23, 2020


PARABLE 2020 4 ft. x 6.8 ft. cotton floss on found wool/silk tapestry This piece is an allegory of the times we are currently living in using a preexisting wool and silk tapestry. In the original version, children push one another over and embrace in close proximity. In my version, personifications of the Corona virus, bio-mutation and mold spores collide with each other and disrupt normalcy and future plans as represented by the two figures on the right. The allegory is a rumination on time and our attempts to control it despite Nature's best efforts. Being housebound in self-quarantine seemed like the perfect opportunity to let my needle skills loose on a massive tapestry and sink all the anxiety I was feeling about an uncertain future into a work which addresses those very feelings. The meditative process of needlework has been a great comfort in alleviating many unpleasant thoughts and feelings.